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Delivering a Find-a-doc Tool Your Members Want to Use

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People are looking to their health insurance plans for help finding the right care while navigating an increasingly complex healthcare system. Our research shows that the most common place to start a search for a new provider is your website’s “find- a-doc” tool. But, too often, that tool isn’t intuitive, doesn’t have enough information, and might even leave people with inaccurate information.

In this guide, we’ll review some tips and best practices for building a powerful and engaging provider search tool that will connect your members to the right care.

Health plan members need help finding the right providers, comparing options, and ultimately scheduling their care.

Tip #1: Put Your Best Food Forward

Your provider search tool is likely one of the most visited resources on your website. That means your search experience provides a unique opportunity to engage your members and build trust. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re maximizing that entry point:

Put provider search front and center

When a member lands on your site, it should be immediately clear how to find your provider search. Use direct language and let them access the resource in as few clicks as possible.

Get personal

Your experience should greet members with a personalized welcome message and be tailored to their specific plan and benefits. Include personalized messaging to make members feel connected to your plan, and more inclined to act.

Guide members to preferred providers

Help members easily identify high-quality or preferred providers through quality scores or recognitions. You can also guide members using financial incentives- nearly two-thirds of members are likely to select a preferred, quality provider if offered an incentive.

Provider search tools are the most utilized resource for health plan members

More than six out of ten members say that finding a provider for their needs is among the top five most important resources.

Tip #2: Enhance Your Provider Profiles

When provider profile details are scarce, or inaccurate, it makes it difficult for members to compare doctors and select the best fit for their needs. Three out of four members are interested in their health plan helping them find care or a new provider. And six in ten consumers want more in-depth provider profiles to help them better evaluate provider options. They are looking for more information than a provider’s name, location, and specialty when selecting care.

What Members Are Looking For health plans

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“Most profile information is blank and therefore unhelpful to find a doctor. How am I supposed to compare doctors without information?” – Health plan member

Tip #3: Deliver a Unified Experience with Cost Estimates

Almost nine out of ten say they want accurate information on how much they will pay out of pocket for care. An important part of your members’ decision-making process is understanding costs. So why not marry that information with your provider search tool? Members don’t want to visit one place to find providers and then to another location on your site to find out the cost for that provider. An integrated experience that allows your members to see cost estimates and robust provider profiles, all in one platform, delivers a better experience to your members, which in turn increases member satisfaction.

48% of members want information to be easier to find

“Make the online tools easier to get to rather than clicking on several different links to get to the tool I need.” – Health plan member

Tip #4: Boost Digital Care and Close Care Gaps

Once your members find an in-network provider that fits their needs, they still need to schedule their appointment and see their provider. There are two avenues to consider when it comes to connecting members to care.

In-Person Care: People want to avoid phone tag and self-schedule appointments online. Avoid care gaps and improve member satisfaction by helping them book an appointment directly from your provider search experience.

Virtual Visits: Sometimes an office visit isn’t the best or most convenient option for your members. They want to know more about their virtual care options and get quick access to care via telehealth.

71% of people would like the ability to schedule care right from their health plan website as they search for care options.

Giving members a search tool they will appreciate and use time and time again will go a long way toward your goal of creating an excellent digital experience.

Guide Your Members Through Their Entire Care Journey

More than ever, members are looking to their health plans for guidance. Kyruus Connect for Payers gives 90+ million members around the country the ability to find care with ease. With our integrated guidance capabilities, users are 3x more likely to select a health plan’s preferred providers. Give members an easy-to-use, unified solution that brings cost estimates and robust provider data together, in one platform.

Visit today for more information on member guidance solutions.

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