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We are proud to announce that our Rewards and Appointment Scheduling solutions received a Silver Digital Health Award for Fall 2017!

The HealthSparq One® health care navigation platform helps people make smarter health care decisions by finding convenient, quality providers, and understanding how much their care will cost based on their unique health plan benefits. But, we know that people often need a bit more motivation to take action. That’s why we’ve introduced two solutions that encourage people to find quality, cost-saving providers and easily schedule their appointments. Those are HealthSparq Rewards and HealthSparq Appointment Scheduling.

Although people are used to shopping around for other services, most don’t know how to do that for their medical needs. Many common services, such as MRIs, vary dramatically in price—and people can save money while getting quality care if they understand those price variations. That’s where HealthSparq Rewards comes in. Rewards helps encourage people to shop around for cost-saving, quality care by offering financial incentives, such as gift cards ranging in value from $25 to $100, so they get paid to save. With HealthSparq Appointment Scheduling, they can save time and request an appointment directly in their search results on their health plan’s website.

Rewards makes it easy for people to find care and save, while Appointment Scheduling helps them follow through. The combination gives people a consumer-friendly, easy-to-use shopping experience—not something people normally experience in health care. And, health plans save money, employers save money and members earn money. Who doesn’t love a win, win, win situation?

 More about the Digital Health Awards:

The annual Digital Health Awards honors the world’s best digital health resources. The competition, which is held twice yearly, featured 80 categories in the following entry classifications: Web-based Digital Health; Mobile Digital Health Resources; Personal Digital Health Devices / Wearables; Digital Health Media / Publications; Digital Health — Social Media; and Connected Digital Health. A panel of 26 experts in digital health media served as judges and selected gold, silver, bronze, and merit winners from nearly 400 entries.

HealthSparq’s award is received under the Web-based digital health classification in the Directory / Ratings / Guides category. 

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