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Dear Medicare plan,

You are in the thick of AEP and with the continuously increasing competition in the Medicare market you are probably working hard on strategies how to retain your beneficiaries. Considering that eight in ten Medicare enrollees intend to review their coverage during this year’s AEP and one in four considers switching, your health plan has to stand out and deliver more than ever before. Providing a positive experience throughout the year will leave your beneficiaries happy and loyal to your plan for years to come—and, better yet, nudge them send friends and family your way too.

So, how can HealthSparq help you reach your goal of higher member satisfaction, greater retention and more referrals? Today’s Medicare beneficiaries are tech-savvy and are taking their health into their own hands. Instead of calling customer service and waiting on hold, they prefer getting answers right away for simple questions like whether their doctor is in-network, how much an upcoming procedure might cost or how long the recovery time after surgery could be. Our transparency and guidance tools can help them to access the right care at the right time for the right price—even when they are on the go.

Easy access to care for beneficiaries saves them (and you) money  

With rising health care costs many seniors are facing a concerning cost burden so guiding them to cost-saving health care choices is more important today than ever before. There are several ways you can help your beneficiaries:

Go beyond simple provider search and let your beneficiaries see the cost for services by provider at a specific location, including their out-of-pocket costs—all based on their unique benefits and deductible status.

  • Help your beneficiaries plan for a full episode of care like a surgery. This unique market offering reveals cost and timing involved from evaluation through recovery. It can make a difference when it comes to your beneficiaries’ finances by showing costs like post-op care they may not be aware of ahead of time.
  • Offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional doctor’s visits with easy access to telehealth. This provides flexibility to your beneficiaries with 24/7 access right from your provider finder page without the hassle of additional logins.
  • Meet your beneficiaries’ medication needs and let them see treatment cost by condition. Help them manage medication cost, while learning about prescription quality and efficacy.

Increase STAR ratings through increased member satisfaction

An intuitive web and mobile experience can be an effective way to increase member satisfaction—one of the factors contributing to your plan’s star rating. HealthSparq can help through the following capabilities:

  • Allow your beneficiaries to find providers based on attributes important to them, select and record a PCP and mark favorite providers.
  • Let them know what fellow patients think of a provider, so they can be confident with their provider choice.
  • Offer convenience to your members with real-time appointment scheduling when it’s top of mind—right from the same place they search for a provider.
  • Serve your unique population and help non-English speaking beneficiaries make smarter health care choices in a language they can understand.

Let us help you thrive in this competitive market by guiding your beneficiaries to smarter health care choices.


Your HealthSparq team

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