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Centralize provider data and ensure accuracy

Transform your health system’s inconsistent and disparate data into a single, unified source of information that can power endless possibilities.


Make sense of messy provider data

With hundreds or thousands of staff and affiliated physicians, health systems have valuable provider data stored across various EHRs, credentialing, and content management systems—a siloed and messy experience that prevents it from being properly leveraged. Kyruus Connect helps unify all of this disparate data to create a single, organized data source. This robust foundation can power seamless and efficient experiences for internal stakeholders, external partners, and patients alike.


Better provider data means better access to care

An optimized source of truth

Unify your disparate provider data into a single source of truth that can power limitless solutions.

Power more experiences

Leverage your organized data to power internal chatbots, reporting tools, search and scheduling experiences, and more.

Organize everything

Leverage search, availability and schedule APIs and engage with the broader healthcare ecosystem.

Unlock internal efficiency

Harness your data to streamline internal processes, reduce ticket requests, and automate manual workflows.


How a large health system reduced manual provider data updates by 80%

Health systems leverage Kyruus Connect to boost operational efficiencies and improve patient access to care. Robust provider data management creates a foundation for digital access initiatives—surfacing rich, reliable information that helps consumers find the right care for their needs and preferences. After launching its new provider directory powered by Kyruus Connect, one large health system saw an 86% increase in year-over-year traffic to its find-a-doctor search website. Enriched profile data and more precise content tagging made providers more searchable for online consumers, yielding a 37% increase in consumer “click-to-schedule” interactions. The organization also benefited from data automation, reducing manual provider data updates by 80% and enabling substantial resource redeployment.

Solving the issue of fragmented provider data not only benefits consumers and providers, but also our internal teams who previously spent hours every month on manual updates. Partnering with Kyruus Health to build our single source of truth has enabled us to reduce resources tied to these updates.

VP, Digital Market and PlatformsHealth system with 40+ hospitals and 4,000+ providers

Real-world results and ROI

80% reduction in manual provider data updates

30% point increase in provider data accuracy

86% increase in traffic to find-a-doctor website

37% increase in consumer click-to-schedule interactions


Drive transformation with provider data management

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Care Access Made Easy: A Guide to Digital Self-Service for Healthcare Organizations

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Learn how Kyruus Connect can unleash a world of possibilities for your hospital or health system

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